BA (Hons) Business Management (Top-Up)

Whether you're interested in a career in accounting and financial management, or your aspiration is to launch and run your own successful business, numbers will be essential to your success. This degree programme will give you the foundations in all the latest principles, theories and applied practical skills in the exciting field of accounting and financial management.
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Course overview

To reach your full potential at work in today's complicated, fast-paced, and more global corporate environment, you must have strong management abilities. The BSc (Hons) Business Management (Top Up) degree makes sure that students majoring in business have the necessary abilities to drive change in a fast-paced, cutthroat industry. The one-year programme is perfect for students who want to launch their own business, work as managers in domestic or foreign settings, or move on to postgraduate level education.

Our professors' extensive professional and academic backgrounds help them present the course more effectively and enable practical application in the rapidly evolving business environment of today. All students will receive the knowledge and abilities necessary to be successful in the course.

March & October
1 year
Awarding Institution
Buckinghamshire New University
Awarded Degree
BA (Hons) Business Management (Top-Up)
2 days per week (Daytime or Evenings & Saturdays)*
David Game College - London
£9250 (Loans available from Student Loan Company)
Changing lives through education
The best way to predict your future is to create it. Better Tomorrow offers a wide range of industry-focused higher education courses, designed to fit your busy schedule.
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