Whether you're interested in a career in accounting and financial management, or your aspiration is to launch and run your own successful business, numbers will be essential to your success. This degree programme will give you the foundations in all the latest principles, theories and applied practical skills in the exciting field of accounting and financial management.
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Course overview

Future leaders in digital and technology solutions will emerge from this professional degree apprenticeship.

The organisation TechSkills, which links employers and universities to produce highly trained digital graduates, has given it the Tech Industry Gold Accreditation.

In order to turn learners into highly proficient IT professionals, the Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship combines online instruction, in-person workshops, and on-the-job training. There are four areas of specialisation for the degree apprenticeship:

Data Analyst, Software Engineer, Network Engineer

This programme cultivates fundamental technical abilities, comprehension, and attitudes necessary for the creation of creative digital solutions.

Further specialisation courses present chances to advance technical fields pertinent to the tasks of the learners.

For whom is it a good fit?

New employees who are concentrating on a strategy to pursue a career in the company's technical area
Current employees who want to advance their careers, get academic credentials, and do so while pursuing a degree
Current employees that might profit from a thorough personal development plan to raise their level of skill

As part of their programme, students will finish the following:

There are fourteen learning modules that include both theory and application. They are primarily taught online with classroom training courses as a backup. At level 4, five modules are taught; at levels 5, five, and six, four.
Over the course of the programme, projects and portfolios based on the workplace will be finished to show off practical skills.

October, January, April and July
36 months + EPA (typically 6 months)
Awarding Institution
University of Roehampton
Awarded Degree
Part-Time, Blended and Work-based Learning
Changing lives through education
The best way to predict your future is to create it. Better Tomorrow offers a wide range of industry-focused higher education courses, designed to fit your busy schedule.
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